Friday, February 14, 2020

Training and development management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Training and development management - Assignment Example is different from the traditional view because it entails the thorough scrutiny of the candidates of the intended succession process before they are allowed to take their respective positions. The skills and competency they possess in leadership is assessed and analyzed fully, and recommendations are made on the areas the new leadership team will focus on like continuous improvement and total quality management. Traditionally the entire process is conduct in secrecy in order to impose bad leadership on the stakeholders. This culminated in the selection of incompetent and novice workers hence compromising leadership transition process. However, in the contemporary performance consultancy, talent assessment is carried out based on the previous performance assessment and the multi-source reports, in order to obtain specialized personnel in the leadership realm. This selection emphasizes on quality and informed leadership. The best individuals in leadership are cleared to take part in underway duties on leadership whereby they are closely monitored and supervised in order to explore their full potential in service. After the exercise is over, they are ready to take on various leadership roles within the organizational chart. In the performance consultancy, the candidates for the new leadership roles are required to undergo career development training in order to be proficient in the tasks they will perform. This will be done through employment of coaching and group discussions, engaging in cross-functional projects and having secondments within and outside the organization. The candidates can also have international tours in order to have exposure on their role within an organization setting. The Authority can also offer challenging tasks to the candidates in order to test their aptitude ability to tackle challenging issues within the organization. A job description should be prepared prior to the identification of talented individuals. This will assist in the

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